Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Shaheed Bhai Anokh Singh Jee Babbar
Remember those men and women of the Khalsa Panth,
who sacrificed their life for the Dharam (Faith and Truth.)
Who suffered every limb of thier body being cut joint by joint.
Whose bodies were broken on the wheels,
and were tortured and skinned alive.
Remember those Great Martyrs,
who were sawn alive, from head to foot...
...yet remained unshakeable in thier Faith unto the last.
(from the Sikh Ardaas)
Martyrdom August 30th, 1987
Bhai Sahib Anokh Singh - while reading the extract of his life you will discover the true meaning of a Sant Siphai (Saint Soldier. We bow our heads to this Mahaan Shaheed of the Khalsa Panth
Bhai Sahib Ji served the Sikh Nation for many years under the forces of Jathedar Sukhdev Singh and the Babbar Khalsa. He was killed in the most ruthless manner on August 30th, 1987. Like his companion Shulkhan Singh "Babbar", Bhai Sahib's arms and legs were torn apart, his eyes guazed and his abdomen ripped. Even after so much torture, Bhai Sahib Ji remained calm and in High Spirits. With Akal's Hukam, he reached the the Highest State known to the Sikh Warrior
Bhai Anokh Singh Jee Babbar
Martyrdom August 30th, 1987
Bhai Anokh Singh Babbar was born in the home of bapoo Makhan Singh and
mother Niranjan Kaur in village Varing Sooba Singh in Amritsar district. Bhai
Sahib was one of four brothers: Bhai Joga Singh, Bhai Santokh Singh, Bhai
Anokh Singh and Bhai Hardeep Singh. The entire family was amritdhari and
Gursikh. Bhai Anokh Singh was from childhood of a quiet and spiritual
disposition. While working around the house he would recite Gurbaanee. Bhai
Sahib graduated and after his education, become an inspector in the Shiromani
Gurudwara Parbandhak Committee. According to his companions, where Bhai
Anokh Singh did his duty with integrity and commitment, he used to also
encourage those near him to do their jobs without greed (without embezzling or
taking bribes). Bhai Sahib believed that money from the Guru Ghar was like
poison for a Gursikh (and thus could never take it). It was meant for helping
society and serving the poor only.
While doing his job, Bhai Anokh Singh came into contact with Bhai Fauja Singh.
Bhai Fauja Singh’s personality had a major effect and Bhai Anokh Singh also
became a traveler on the Gurmukh path. He used to take training in gatka at Bhai
Fauja Singh's farmhouse (Khalsa Farm), along with other young Singhs. Bhai
Sahib had very strict amrit vela. He had a deep love for Bhai Sulakhan Singh and
other Singhs around. Before going underground, Bhai Surinder Singh Nagokay
had an akhand paath sahib at his home in which Bhai Anokh Singh sat for the
entirety in one position. He listened the paath from start to finish.
The bloody massacre of April 13, 1978 was like a storm that shook Bhai Anokh
Singh and his companions to the core. During the 1978 massacre, Bhai Sahib was
with Bhai Fauja Singh. The martyrdom of Bhai Fauja Singh and his companions
had a deep effect on the saintly Bhai Anokh Singh. After the 1978 massacre,
Nirankaris were punished in Patti and Tarn Taran in which the name of Bhai
Anokh Singh began to be mentioned.
One of Bhai Anokh Singh’s greatest qualities was that he never misused the
Panth’s money. Bhai Sukhdev Singh Sakheera’s sister was married to Bhai Anokh
Singh’s brother Bhai Santokh Singh. When Satguru jee gave Bhai Santokh Singh
the gift of a son, Bhai Anokh Singh went to see the newborn. He took two rupees
out of his pocket and gave it as a gift to the baby. Bhai Anokh Singh’s sister-inlaw
was surprised and said jokingly to Bhai Sahib, Brother Anokh Singh, you are
such a big Jujhaaroo Singh and at the birth of your brother’s son, all you are
giving is just two rupees? Bhai Anokh Singh recognizing his sister’s annoyance
replied, “Bhabee jee, even this money seems too much to me, these two rupees
are the Panth’s property and I do not want that my family’s newborn should use
any of the Panth’s money.”
When Bhai Anokh Singh was first arrested by the Daehlo(n) police, his brother
Bhai Santokh Singh came to meet him at his court appearance in Ludhiana. Bhai
Anokh Singh called him close and told him one thing: If the police make me a
shaheed, “don’t sell my blood don’t try to profit from my death”. Not only that, he
used to visit home to take the dasvandh from the family’s crops. If bapoo Makhan
Singh or another family complained of the family’s money-situation, and asked
that the dasvandh not be taken, Bhai Sahib would reply, always keep a full
account to every penny. Dasvandh is the Guru’s and you have no right to it. Bhai
Anokh Singh Babbar had a great desire to die for the Guru’s cause.
Bhai Anokh Singh used to say, if may I be a Shaheed and may the enemy even cut
me piece by piece, even then no cry of pain should come out from me. When Bhai
Sahib’s companions freed him from Ludhiana, Bhai Sahib used to say, after so
long Shaheedee came near and I had to run. I was tested and I failed Bhai Sahib
used to tell his father Bhai Makhan Singh, bapoo jee, when the Sikh Sangat does a
road block or surrounds a police station (called a Ghirao in Panjabi), you too
should go. If you are hit by a bullet, then you will achieve martyrdom, which only
comes with great luck.
Finally, this warrior who welcomed death was arrested while riding his bike by
the Jalandhar Police. After bringing him to Vairovaal Police Station (dist.
Amritsar), Bhai Sahib was unspeakably tortured. His hip was broken and using a
bayonet, his eyes were removed. While he was doing simran, Bhai Sahib’s tongue
was cut out. Two foot long bars were heated and then hammered from the soles
of his feet up to his knees. Heated rods were put through his chest and one was
put through his skull. But this brave son of Dashmesh Pita kept doing Ardaas that
his Kesh and Sikhi would remain intact till his final breath. Seeing Bhai Anokh
Singh’s avasthaa of doing simran with every breath, a well known butcher police
official [SSP Azhar Alam] was shocked. In the end, Bhai Sahib’s badly broken and
wounded body was shot. But the Shaheed’s soul had already, with the power of
naam, been liberated from the body.
Bhai Anokh Singh Babbar’s amazing Shaheedee proved that even today in the
Sikh community, there are still the souls of the shaheeds of the 18th century. His
Shaheedi was very similar to Bhai Mani Singh jee’s shaheedi. It should also be
noted that after Bhai Sahib’s Shaheedee, his father bapoo Makhan Singh was also
abducted by the police and martyred after heavy torture.
Different accounts on Bhai Sahib’s Shaheedi 1
Bhai Sahib was also very close to Bhai Sukhdev Singh Babbar and they often lived
together, surviving only on a diet of chick peas and Naam (God’s name). Bhai
Sahib was one of the Singhs defending Harmandir Sahib in 1984 and helped ferry
pilgrims and others out of the complex during the attack. Bhai Sahib’s story of
Shaheedi (martyrdom) is an awe-inspiring one. On August 20th 1987 Bhai Sahib
was arrested and taken into custody by the Panjab Police.
First his legs were torn open and hot metal rods were hammered into them from
the heel upwards. Red hot metal rods were also passed through his chest. Bhai
Sahib’s abdomen was ripped open and pins were put through his private area and
electric shocks were given here. Both his eyeballs were gouged out but still under
these immense tortures Bhai Sahib remained true to the legacy of thousands of
martyrs before him, not uttering a single word or sound of pain. He remained
silent only reciting “Waheguru”.
Left on the ground after a torture session the evening had come so he asked the
sentry for the time. Seeing it was time for Rehraas Sahib Paath, Bhai Anokh
Singh began reciting “Sodar tera kehaa…” in a sweet voice. Despite his physical
body vessel being shattered his soul was still attached to the Guru’s feet. This
deeply affected the sentry, and Bhai Sahib then began his personal prayer after
"Hay Akaal Purakh Sachay Patshah Guru Nanak dev Gareeb Nivaaj Satguru, the
day which rose in your bhaanaa has passed in happiness, meditating on your
Naam, Sachay Patshah, night has arrived, may it too pass while remembering
your Naam and in your Bhaanaa…Satguru, May I be a Shaheed…Sachay Patshah,
save me from becoming a traitor...Satguru, may the Sikhi and Kesh (hair) you
have given me last with me till my final breaths…Sachay Patshah, have mercy on
all…Bolay So Nihaal…Sat Sri Akaal!!!"
Hearing these words and the Jaikara echoing through the police station, seeing
all this guard became disturbed and handed his resignation to police station
immediately. The police then continued to remove Bhai Anokh Singh’s tongue
with a metal saw, however as streams of blood ran down Bhai Sahib’s dhari
(beard) he raised his hands in Ardas and thanked Waheguru. The police
eventually became tired of this and shot Bhai Anokh Singh, covering the noise of
the gunshot by starting a motorcycle. His body was then dumped in the River
Beas, as his soul ascended to meet Waheguru.
Different accounts on Bhai Sahib’s Shaheedi 2
For many days Bhai Sahib was kept hanging upside down in the police station.
Foot-long metal rods were heated up and hammered into his legs, from the heels
upward. A pin was put through his private parts and an electricity connection was
attached to it so that he could be shocked. Hot metal rods were also passed
through his chest. But the Guru's Singh took the tortures calmly. All the torturers
heard was "Waheguru". No cries of pain, no screams. After the torture, Bhai
Sahib was left on the ground, unable to move. The time for Rehraas arrived. Bhai
Sahib opened his eyelids but the sockets that held his eyes were hollow. His
beautiful beard was soaked with blood. Those eyes which were once lost in deep
meditation had been taken out by the dushts.
Bhai Sahib called out, "Santry! bhai sahib jee, what time is it?" He felt around
himself with his hands to find the guard. "It's 7:15 Babiyo. What? What has
happened to your eyes??" The Santry (guard) looked at Bhai Sahib's face and felt
frightened. After hearing about time Bhai Sahib said, “Oh it must be time for
Sodar then and started Sodar tera kehaa..." Bhai Anokh Singh began to recite
Rehraas Sahib lying on the ground. Even though his body was shattered, Bhai
Sahib recited the paath in a sweet voice. The Sentry too felt the vairaag.
After Sodar, Bhai Sahib, still lying on the ground began Ardaas. It was a daily part
of his routine. "Ten Gurus, Panj Piyaray, Chaar Sahibzaaday, the Guru's Jhanday
and Boongay..." Bhai Sahib then began his personal Ardaas: "Hay Akaal Purakh
Sachay Patshah Guru Nanak dev Gareeb Nivaaj Satguru, the day which rose in
your bhaaNaa has passed in happiness, meditating on your naam. Sachay
Patshah, night has arrived, may it too pass while remembering your Naam and in
your BhaaNaa....Satguru, May I be a Shaheed...Sachay Patshah, save me from
becoming a traitor...Satguru, may the Sikhi and Kesh you have given me last with
me till my final breaths...Such Patshah, have mercy on all....Bolay So Nihaal...Sat
Sree Akaal!!"
The Jaikara Bhai Sahib sounded echoed throughout the police station. The Sentry
ran to the station-head and surrendered his rifle and tabled his resignation. "I
can't do this job that forces people to kill saints...I can't..." He kept repeating
himself. The SSP cursed, "They are all magicians...another of our officers has left
the service because of this paath!!" And then another atrocity was committed.
Bhai Sahib's tongue was cut off using a metal cutting saw. Streams of blood
flowed from Bhai Sahib's mouth but the faithful Singh raised his hands in Ardaas
and thanked Waheguru.
In the end, the police became tired of all this and shot Bhai Sahib in the station.
When the shot was fired, a motor cycle was started so that the gun could not be
heard. Over night, Bhai Sahib's body was thrown into the river Beas.
International Human Rights Report on Babbar Sukhdev Singh's Shaheedi
IHRO Report
Bhai Sukhdev Singh 'Babbar', the chief of Babbar Khalsa International was announced by the police to have been killed in an encounter with the police on the Sahnewal-Dehlon Road in Ludhiana district at 5 AM on 9.8.92, but contrary to the police claim all other reports indicated that Sukhdev Singh was already in police custody. It was in these circumstances that IHRO appointed a four member team comprising of its General Secretary Mohinder Singh Grewal and Secretaries Gurbhajan Singh Gill, Bhupinder Singh Somal and Harchand Singh Gill to investigate the incident.
The Fabricated Police Version
According to FIR Number: 63 dated 9.8.92 u/s 307/34 IPC, 25/27 Indian Arms Act and 3/4/5 TADA(P)Act of Police Station Sahnewal, "SSP Sidharath Chattopadhya instructed that various militant organisations, especially the Babbar Khalsa International are likely to execute a big action in connection with the Bhog ceremony of the Khalistan Liberation Force Chief, General Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala, so nakabandis were done around Ludhiana. I along with Shiv Kumar-DSP (D), Narinder Pal Singh-DSP, PP Sabharwal-SP (O), Ganesh- SI (CRPF) and their parties was present at the Dharaur Culvert in the revenue estate of village Nandpur when at 5 AM, a Maruti Car No: CH-01-F/1607 arrived from Dehlon side. Two Sikhs were sitting on the front seats. We signalled them through torchlight to stop but they left the car and after taking positions on the canal distributary bank, started firing in order to kill the police party but we, in self defence replied the firing and I informed the police control room through wireless.
From the nearby check-post, the SSP along with this party came to our help. The firing ensued from both sides with automatic weapons. The militants made me a special target. I used my SLR but the firing from their side was very heavy. Not afraid of losing my life I continued to fire. When the firing ceased, we found a dead body there. The other man had escaped. One AK-47 rifle with six live rounds was found on the body, while 32 empties were lying nearby. A small dairy bearing the name of Sukhdev Singh, Head Sewadar, Babbar Khalsa International was recovered from his person. The escapee had left seven empties of .30 mossier behind. The police fired a total of 203 rounds during the hour long encounter whereas, the militants fired 39 rounds".
(SD) BS GILL SP (D), 9.8.92 at Nandpur at 7.30 AM
The IHRO Findings
According to the findings of the IHRO team, Bhai Sukhdev Singh was living at house number 20, Urban Estate, Patiala in the garb of a contractor as Jasmer Singh Sandhu. On the night of August 8,
1992, the Ludhiana SP(D) , Balwant Singh Gill, on receiving cue from Chandigarh went to Patiala with a selected police force and rang the call bell of the said house and also gave the 'code word' which was known to a top notch of the Babbar Khalsa and a very few other associates. When the Babbar Khalsa chief descended from the upper storey of the house and opened the gate, the police immediately pounced upon him. After a short scuffle, the Babbar fell down and was over-powered. He was then taken to Ludhiana along with his Maruti Car (CH-01-F/1607). At Ludhiana, he was interrogated and tortured in the CIA staff and the Focal Point police station. In the early hours of August 9 when he was almost dead due to severe torture, he was put in his car and taken to the Dharaur village culvert on the Sahnewal-Dehlon road. At about 5 am, while he was still seated in the car, he was shot dead and his body was thrown out of the car. Later the police made up the story that the Babbar was shot dead in an armed encounter in order to project the 'bravery' of certain police officials like SSP Chattopadhya, SP(D), B.S. Gill, DSP(D), Shiv Kumar, DSP, Narinder Pal Singh, SP(O), P.P. Shabharwal and Inspector Gurjit Singh in anticipation of rewards and promotions.
Points to Ponder
The police story has many holes in its armour. These are some very noteworthy points which make the police story look like reality ridiculous:
• While showing the blood stained rear seat of the car, its broken glasses and Sukhdev Singh's turban lying in the car to the newsmen, the over-enthusiastic police officials forgot that they themselves, in their made-up story had alleged that the two Sikhs had left the car and taken positions along the distributary bank before the "encounter" started. Then how did the blood and the turban come into the car, which had already been abandoned?
• The police says that the Babbar was identified from a small diary bearing the name of Sukhdev Singh Babbar, Head, Sevadar, Babbar Khalsa International which was allegedly recovered from his body. Will an underground militant, who was living in the guise of a contractor Jasmer Singh Sandhu for long time, carry along with him a diary with his full real name and particulars written on it?
• Bhai Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala, the Chief of the Khalistan Liberation Force, who was killed by mainly the same police party a week earlier, was also alleged to have been identified in an identical manner. Do the militants who encounter this very police party, bring the diaries containing their full identity in their pockets to help these police officials in their identification?
• The people of the area heard only seven or eight shots being fired at the time of the "encounter" whereas, according to the police report 342 rounds were fired. How do we account for such a large difference?
• According to the police version, two SP's and two DSP’s were present on a single check-post, that too on a comparatively unimportant road, whereas the SSP himself was also near at hand. Do such high-ranking officers normally cluster at check-posts on unimportant roads?
• The SSP and the SP (D) who were both present at the time of the “encounter of Sukhdev Singh were also present during Gurjant Singh’s “encounter”. But when most of the other fake or sometimes genuine encounters involving militants of lesser importance are reported, these senior officers are not present there. How is it, that these officers are present at the time and place of only those encounters in which the top ranking Sikh militants are about to involve themselves?
IHRO Report
Bhai Sukhdev Singh 'Babbar', the chief of Babbar Khalsa International was announced by the police to have been killed in an encounter with the police on the Sahnewal-Dehlon Road in Ludhiana district at 5 AM on 9.8.92, but contrary to the police claim all other reports indicated that Sukhdev Singh was already in police custody. It was in these circumstances that IHRO appointed a four member team comprising of its General Secretary Mohinder Singh Grewal and Secretaries Gurbhajan Singh Gill, Bhupinder Singh Somal and Harchand Singh Gill to investigate the incident.
The Fabricated Police Version
According to FIR Number: 63 dated 9.8.92 u/s 307/34 IPC, 25/27 Indian Arms Act and 3/4/5 TADA(P)Act of Police Station Sahnewal, "SSP Sidharath Chattopadhya instructed that various militant organisations, especially the Babbar Khalsa International are likely to execute a big action in connection with the Bhog ceremony of the Khalistan Liberation Force Chief, General Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala, so nakabandis were done around Ludhiana. I along with Shiv Kumar-DSP (D), Narinder Pal Singh-DSP, PP Sabharwal-SP (O), Ganesh- SI (CRPF) and their parties was present at the Dharaur Culvert in the revenue estate of village Nandpur when at 5 AM, a Maruti Car No: CH-01-F/1607 arrived from Dehlon side. Two Sikhs were sitting on the front seats. We signalled them through torchlight to stop but they left the car and after taking positions on the canal distributary bank, started firing in order to kill the police party but we, in self defence replied the firing and I informed the police control room through wireless.
From the nearby check-post, the SSP along with this party came to our help. The firing ensued from both sides with automatic weapons. The militants made me a special target. I used my SLR but the firing from their side was very heavy. Not afraid of losing my life I continued to fire. When the firing ceased, we found a dead body there. The other man had escaped. One AK-47 rifle with six live rounds was found on the body, while 32 empties were lying nearby. A small dairy bearing the name of Sukhdev Singh, Head Sewadar, Babbar Khalsa International was recovered from his person. The escapee had left seven empties of .30 mossier behind. The police fired a total of 203 rounds during the hour long encounter whereas, the militants fired 39 rounds".
(SD) BS GILL SP (D), 9.8.92 at Nandpur at 7.30 AM
The IHRO Findings
According to the findings of the IHRO team, Bhai Sukhdev Singh was living at house number 20, Urban Estate, Patiala in the garb of a contractor as Jasmer Singh Sandhu. On the night of August 8,
1992, the Ludhiana SP(D) , Balwant Singh Gill, on receiving cue from Chandigarh went to Patiala with a selected police force and rang the call bell of the said house and also gave the 'code word' which was known to a top notch of the Babbar Khalsa and a very few other associates. When the Babbar Khalsa chief descended from the upper storey of the house and opened the gate, the police immediately pounced upon him. After a short scuffle, the Babbar fell down and was over-powered. He was then taken to Ludhiana along with his Maruti Car (CH-01-F/1607). At Ludhiana, he was interrogated and tortured in the CIA staff and the Focal Point police station. In the early hours of August 9 when he was almost dead due to severe torture, he was put in his car and taken to the Dharaur village culvert on the Sahnewal-Dehlon road. At about 5 am, while he was still seated in the car, he was shot dead and his body was thrown out of the car. Later the police made up the story that the Babbar was shot dead in an armed encounter in order to project the 'bravery' of certain police officials like SSP Chattopadhya, SP(D), B.S. Gill, DSP(D), Shiv Kumar, DSP, Narinder Pal Singh, SP(O), P.P. Shabharwal and Inspector Gurjit Singh in anticipation of rewards and promotions.
Points to Ponder
The police story has many holes in its armour. These are some very noteworthy points which make the police story look like reality ridiculous:
• While showing the blood stained rear seat of the car, its broken glasses and Sukhdev Singh's turban lying in the car to the newsmen, the over-enthusiastic police officials forgot that they themselves, in their made-up story had alleged that the two Sikhs had left the car and taken positions along the distributary bank before the "encounter" started. Then how did the blood and the turban come into the car, which had already been abandoned?
• The police says that the Babbar was identified from a small diary bearing the name of Sukhdev Singh Babbar, Head, Sevadar, Babbar Khalsa International which was allegedly recovered from his body. Will an underground militant, who was living in the guise of a contractor Jasmer Singh Sandhu for long time, carry along with him a diary with his full real name and particulars written on it?
• Bhai Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala, the Chief of the Khalistan Liberation Force, who was killed by mainly the same police party a week earlier, was also alleged to have been identified in an identical manner. Do the militants who encounter this very police party, bring the diaries containing their full identity in their pockets to help these police officials in their identification?
• The people of the area heard only seven or eight shots being fired at the time of the "encounter" whereas, according to the police report 342 rounds were fired. How do we account for such a large difference?
• According to the police version, two SP's and two DSP’s were present on a single check-post, that too on a comparatively unimportant road, whereas the SSP himself was also near at hand. Do such high-ranking officers normally cluster at check-posts on unimportant roads?
• The SSP and the SP (D) who were both present at the time of the “encounter of Sukhdev Singh were also present during Gurjant Singh’s “encounter”. But when most of the other fake or sometimes genuine encounters involving militants of lesser importance are reported, these senior officers are not present there. How is it, that these officers are present at the time and place of only those encounters in which the top ranking Sikh militants are about to involve themselves?
Jathedar Jee's Capture and Shahidi
Punjab had by now become a state with Police , black cats, army positioned in every corner, road, village, etc. It was becoming very difficult for Singhs to move from place to place.
Bhai Sahib was actually arrested a few days before he was declared Shaheed. The police had traced him to his house in Patiala. When he was arrested, Bhai Sahib said, "The Sukhdev Singh you are looking for has left, all that is left now is this body. You may do with it as you please."
He was tortured severely, but never revealed a word about his fellow Singhs, who after his Shaheedi took 6 months before they could regroup again in Pakistan.
KP Gill Makes the Announcement
In the end, on 9th August 1992, it was announced that Bhai Sahib was shaheed in a police encounter. Incidently Bhai sahib`s birthday and Shaheedi day were on the same date. On the 10th August newspaper front pages were headlines that Babbar Khalsa Chief has been killed. The notorious KPS Gill made a statement, “The leader of Babbar Khalsa, Bhai Sukhdev Singh Babbar has been killed near Ludhiana in a Police encounter. Babbar was responsible for the murder of Nirankari Gurbachan and a 1000 others.”
While using his fingers to twist his moustache, on national TV, KPS Gill, further stated that now “Gurbachan Singh Manochal, Parmjit Singh Panjwar and Wassan Singh Zaffarwal should now surrender, otherwise they would meet the same fate as Jathedar Sukhdev Singh Babbar and Khalistan Liberation Force Leader Bhai Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala.” (who was Shaheed just months earlier). He further stated “Sukhdev Singh Babbar not only supplied Babbar Khalsa with weapons, but all the other groups aswell. He was responsible for firstly, the liquidation of most of the Nirankari leadership, the Nirankari Baba Gurbachan, Niranjan Singh I.S.S in Chandigarh. Further major operations in Punjab, Delhi and Haryana, and was an expert in precise bombs explosions to kill targets. He also killed Agriculture Minister D.S. Tyagi, Ex-Cabinet Minister Joginderpal Painde in Ludhiana at Bhai Bala Chowk, Manjit Singh SHO, and many other dignatories & politicians.
A more accurate list of Bhai Sahib missions can be researched from “Vangaar” magazine copies. Many notorious names such as Radhe Shaam (Congress Leader), Khishi Raam Sharma (BJP Leader), and murderous police officers - Hargeet Singh S.H.O, Ghabar Singh S.H.O. of Ludhiana can be added to the list.
The Babbar Khalsa unit of Bhai Anokh Singh was sent to Delhi after the riots of 1984, under a plan drawn by Jathedar ji. They were credited with assassinations and explosions which killed many leading Congress politicians and planners of the riots.
Baba Manochahal on Jathedar Jee
Baba Gurbachan Singh Manochal released a tape praising the character of Bhai Sahib. Politically their views differed. Bhai Sahib was in favour of boycotting elections, while Baba Manochal was in favour of standing in them. Bhai Sahib saw this as accepting Indian supremacy and against the 1986 Declaration of Khalistan. However despite this difference the Pyaar between the two Great Generals was clear to see.
When Police raided his Bhai Sahib house, where he had lived in disguise, they found numerous. There books which detailed the Russian and French Revolutions. Other books on American Independence and its constitution, and books on English History and the workings of its Parliament. This showed how far Bhai sahib has studied into how nations are built and structured.
Days After Shahidi
The day after Bhai Sahib's shaheedi was announced, his body was taken to Ludhiana Civil Hospital under tight army security. A post mortem was done, then quickly the body was taken to a commemoration ground and cremated. The authorities knew the popularity of Bhai Sahib in Punjab, and wanted to make sure no huge funeral could take place.
Worldwide numerous Akhand Paths & Rainsbhais were held in Bhai Sahib's memory. The genocidal Chief Minister Beant Singh put a state wide curfew on the 20th August to ensure no Akhand Path bhogs are held. This curfew was enforced with a “shoot to kill” policy on anyone seen walking the streets.
A day before, in the village Dhassuwal, Amritsar, an akhand path bhog was held for the longest serving leader of the Khalistan Movement. Realising the impact on this, roadblocks were set on a 35km radius. All the villages within the radius were evacuated. Anyone trying to get to the bhog ceremony was arrested or shot on sight. Thousands of Police and Army personnel were sent to the area to enforce this.
So the 37 year old leader of the Sikh Freedom Movement, who was six foot tall, with a good build, hawkish eyes, brave warrior, and creator of the Babbar Khalsa had no Shaheedi smagam in his home village, but all of the world it was commemorated.
In his house, surrounded by Police, 5 young Singhs, his father, Bapu Jind Singh, his wife Bibi Sukhwant Kaur, Bibi Gurmeet kaur - his sister-in-law and wife of Bhai Mehal Singh, brothers Rushal Singh and Angrej Singh, and sisters Swaran kaur, Charan kaur, Jeet kaur, and cousins Harbans Singh, Daljeet Singh and Sukha Singh were allowed to stand in ardas at the Akhand Path Bhog. They were all surrounded by Police.
Outside the Police had arrested and taken to prison everyone who tried to attend or was already present at the bhog. This included over 100 men, over 200 bibian, Bhai Sahib`s relatives, his children:- Tejinder Singh (13 years old), Gurvinder Singh (9 years old) and Amrit kaur (11 years old). Bhai sahib nephews:- Balraj Singh (19 years old) and Pargat Singh (17 years old), and other relatives Baghel Singh, Rashpal Singh, Baljit Singh, Baldev Singh, Dalbir Singh were also arrested and put in cells. Eve those Gursikhs making langar were not spared police arrest.
Character Assassination
The Indian Security Services and especially RAW (Research and analysis Wing) knew the Babbar Khalsa group were a puritan group whos fight was based on high ideals. Jathedar Sukhdev Singh was an iconic figure in Punjab and the backbone of the movement. They knew they had to discredit him to make sure no new Sukhdev Singh should rise from his ashes. This policy had already been used effectively on Deepa Heeran wale who was hugely popular in his area.
So a detailed propaganda campaign was launched by the security forces, and spread via the press, and even via other agents amongst the Sikh leadership. In hindsight now it is easy to see who is who. In them days it was more difficult. Just compare the sacrifices of Jathedar Sukhdev Singh Babbar, Anokh Singh Babbar, Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala, Avtar Singh Brahma, and Gurbachan Singh Manochal, with those who spoke against them such as Badal, Wassan Zaffarwal, Dr Jagjit Chohan and other Panthik traitors.
Jathedar Sukhdev Singh was attacked on two points which is important to be cleared, as the propaganda was done over a number of years to the Sikh masses and some many still question Bhai Sahib.
Firstly, comments were made on his lifestyle mainly due to the house in which he lived. The house was very large and well decorated. We have to understand for Bhai Sahib to live for 14 years and take guerrilla warfare to the level that he did, plus also co-ordinate efforts world wide, he could not have done this living in a field, a ditch, or a shack. The house and lifestyle were part of his disguise as the rich building contractor, which gave him access to numerous telephone lines, faxes, and powerful contacts. This was essential to run a parallel government like he between 1986 -1989.
Secondly propaganda was spread that he remarried and had children. This is also not true. Bhai Sahib was only married once to Bibi Sukhwant kaur in 1978, and he had children with her. To maintain his disguise, he could not have his actual wife living with him. She was constantly under surveillance, and it would expose his disguise straight away. As part of the disguise, it was made to look like he had a family. This was with a Bibi Parcharak who was sympathetic to the cause, and a child was adopted from a Shaheed Parivaar.
Bhai Sahib was a Gursikh of high calibre, with amazing qualities and a Jeevan full of Seva , Simran and Sacrifice……Today the Panth desperately needs more like him…
Movement Slows Down
This period between mid 1992 to 1993 saw the capture of many of the Leadership of the movement. Within months, Bhai Rashpal Singh Chandra, Bhai Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala, Jathedar Sukhdev Singh Babbar and Baba Gurbachan Singh Manochal were Shaheed. Other key figures shifted operations to Pakistan and other countries. Later Wassan Zaffarwal, Dr Sohan Singh and Dr Jagjit Chohan showed their true colours.
In the run up to the next election, Congress Chief Minister Beant Singh made a statement that he was higher the Sahib Siri Guru Gobind Singh, because he has killed all his Singhs. By now a new generation had joined this path. Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara had set up a unit, which decided to show Congress leader Beanta that Singhs had not been finished yet. A young Singh called Bhai Dilawar Singh Babbar sacrificed himself to assassinate Beant Singh and many of his aides. KPS Gill still walks free today…….
Time to Regroup
Bhai Sahib realised that many valuable Gursikhs had been lost during the Operation Blue Star and Operation Woodrose. The Government had also attacked 40 other Gurdwaras, aswell as Siri Darbar Sahib complex, and in total many thousands of Sikhs had died.
The Babbars had to regroup a mount a long term sustainable guerrilla movement to establish Khalistan. The Babbars were instructed to cross the border into Pakistan. In Pakistan and other foreign countries, the Babbars started buying better quality weapons, and set up training camps. They created a plan to re-integrate into Punjab, under numerous disguises and set up an elaborate communication procedures.
The Indian Intelligence Services were always of the opinion that Jathedar Sukhdev Singh lived in Pakistan. They stuck to this theory for many years. However Bhai Sahib never went to Pakistan. He just sent a cell of Gursikhs there to organise activities. Instead he continued his practice of leading from the front, and took part in actions in Punjab.
Day by day as more and more missions were accomplished by the Singhs, daily reports came out in Press. Bhai Sahib was always quiet, but when he said something it had a lot of impact. People knew that everything he said happened, or Panthic dushts he targeted did get eliminated. Slowly his name from the press reports, came unto the lips of every person in Punjab. Young boys in schools, when arguing in the playground, would say to each to other, “Who do you think you are? Are you Sukhdev Singh Babbar?” The name and the icon became born……
Bhai Sahib very cleverly became active under the disguise of a building contractor. He posed as a rich man, which allowed him to rub shoulder with those in power in Punjab. This way he kept in touch with all those, who made decisions to that affect Punjab everyday. It is also allowed him to keep faxes, and other elaborate communication devices, by which he communicated with Gursikhs on a world wide level, without raising suspicion.
As a building contractor, he was also in touch with those controlling the construction of the canals which led Punjab river waters to other states. He subtly ensured that the contracts would not be completed, and the projects are continuously delayed. Plus being a rich man, he made politic contacts which gave him access to information about which police officers were active against the Singhs, and who was torturing and killing the Singhs.
Further he began creating links with other Sikh Youth Jathebandies with like minded aims and objectives. This way he created a network called the “5 Member Committee”. This joined the forces of Babbar Khalsa, Khalistan Liberaton Force, (Avtar Singh Brahma, then Gurjant Singh Budsinghwale), Khalistan Commondo Force ( Parmjit Singh Panjwar), Bhinderawale Tiger Force (Rashpal Singh Chandra), Sikh Students Federation (Daljeet Singh Bittu).
Later after losing all confidence in the leaders of the Akali Dal like Badal and Tohra. Bhai Sahib set up the Babbar Akali Dal to give a political voice in Punjab, and a voice for the widows of Delhi. However many of its leaders were given life imprisonment under TADA with no trial or charges.
Discipline Amongst the Ranks
It is essential in any successful organisation to have discipline amongst the ranks. Bhai Sahib would initially only allow Spiritual and Rehitvaan Gursikhs into the ranks of Babbar Khalsa. However over the years, many of the diamonds of the Movement became Shaheed such as Bhai Anokh Singh, Bhai Sulakhan Singh, etc. Some say joining forces with other Jujahroo groups led to Babbar Khalsa losing its Rehit. It is easy to sit back and criticise and hard to do Seva.
When the first generation of Singhs became Shaheed, the new recruits that were coming in, were not fighting as much because they Khalsa, and wanted to establish a homeland Khalistan on high ideals. They were coming in because of Police excesses, rape & torture in villages. As a result all Jujarhoo groups lost Singhs who had full faith in Gurmat, and never compromised their ideals. Many of the new recruits were mere kids, and the experienced Jujarhoos, themselves such as Jathedar were just in their late twenties, early thirties.
So in this new atmosphere maintaining discipline was very important. It was difficult to do, because without exposing who you are, how can you directly communicate with the ranks? You never know which youth will succume to torture in the future, or maybe a spy infiltrating the group.
The way Bhai Sahib would keep an eye on the ranks, was to sometimes pretend to be a simple Singh fighting with some cells. He would go on missions with grass roots Singhs. But these Singhs never knew that this six foot, well built Singh was the Jathedar. This way he kept an eye on the ranks, without exposing himself.
Punjab Police and the Movement
Between 1978 till the late 1980`s, many Punjab police officers actually helped the Singhs, or ignored their activities. The government was aware of this, which is why during the early days they relied more on the army. When the 5 Jujahroo groups joined forces, one of the first statements was made by Jathedar ji. In this statement, he asked all freedom fighting Singhs to not kill innocent Police Officers, and no one was to harm any families of Police Officers. This was a visionary statement, and went along way to reducing tensions between them. Jathedar ji knew the fight was not against other Punjabis, but it was against the Brahmins who used the Indian Government machinery to destroy Sikhi.
Security Services realising the impact of this statement, and also realising that the Singhs were now during the period of 1986-1989, completely controlling Punjab, they changed their tactics. The Security services via Police Commander Ribero created groups called “Black cats”. These were security services personnel, cruel police officers, some nihangs, and criminals. They would dress up as Singhs, and commit heinous crimes against innocents in Punjab. This would include kidnapping, murder, rape, torture, looting, etc. They did this dress as Singhs in bana, and after their crimes drop names of leading freedom fighters to give them a bad name in the Punjab villages which sympathised and protected the Singhs. This policy was used very effectively against Baba Manochal group, and others. The policy worked in many ways, it stopped villagers sympathising with groups, it caused problems within groups, who were not sure if the tales of woe were true. Plus the victims were those who need most protection, and the “black cats” were always richly rewarded. Many times, it was the same police officers who dressed as Singhs at night to pare and loot, then in the morning they would go and investigate, only to get recognised by the victims.
When the Congress leader Beant Singh came to power he created a policy of “Shoot to Kill” any Sikhs, without any reason. To ensure the Punjab police do not lose their hunger for genocide. He took the “black cat” policy to another level. KPS Gill is able and highly violent Commander of Police, even went as far, as sending “black cats” to kill innocent Police Officers and their families. The horror of this motivated all police officers to wipe Punjab`s earth of any Sikh youth. It kept them motivated to mass murder, pillage, loot, and annihilate any family linked to any freedom fighter.
Fake Police encounters became everyday practice, and were treated as a points scoring game. Every evening for years, KPS Gill would phone each of his main officers in each district, and they would have to report numbers of Sikh youth they had killed that day. So one would say 25, another 30, another 45. Whoever was the lowest would be frowned upon, or told he was not patriotic enough. These were the genocidal days of 1989 -1992
Jathedar Sukhdev Singh's Jeevan
Bhai Sahib had a very high Jeevan. His eyes shone, and his stature was like Purataan Gursikhs. He was very quiet, but was highly intelligent. He never raised his voice, and always spoke with a sweet voice. Jathedar jee was very close to Bhai Anokh singh. Both singhs would live for days on sholay de daane (chick peas) and Naam. Even during great hardship, moving by the night and living undercover they managed to keep there Bibekta and amrit vela.
His daily prayers would last many hours, as he meditated peacefully on God. He was a very humble and caring man, soft-spoken, yet very determined and strong of character. He was a perfect example of a Gursikh.
The Punjab Police and Indian Intelligence Services made capturing and eliminating Bhai Sahib their top priority. They realised he was the backbone of the movement. As other Generals were being Shaheed, they were being replaced, however Bhai Sahib was so iconic and organisationally effective, he would be irreplaceable. Many Singhs were tortured in the cruelest of manner to find out the where-abouts of Bhai sahib. However such was their love and respect for him, that they never uttered a word.
Both Bhai Anokh Singh and Bhai Sulakhan Singh had amazing spiritual Jeevans. Both when captured were severely tortured. Bhai Anokh Singh jis was tortured for many days, his eyes were removed, his tongue was cut off, and his insides were exposed and hot peppers pushed in. Bhai Sulakhan Singh was Shaheed just as Bhai Mani Singh ji was, as he was cut joint from joint.
Bhai Manmohan Singh just stated to his torturers that his name was Manmohan Singh. He said ask me anthing else you want, that is all I will tell you. After many days torture, the only words the police heard from his mouth were “Waheguru”, until he also was ultimately Shaheed. Another Singh, close to Bhai Sahib had his legs tied between two jeeps, which drove off, ripping him in half.
For 14 years Bhai Sukhdev Singh led the Khalistan movement in Punjab. He ensured many responsible for the genocide against sikhs, met there suitable ends. During the late 80`s and early 90`s, the Singhs were so strong, that they virtually ran a parallel government in Punjab.
Even international magazines, such as article in India Today had reported that Bhai Sukhdev Singh Jee was the "most prominent militant leader since 1978, who had, over the years, acquired an aura of Invincibility". With Bhai Sukhdev Singh at its helm "Babbar Khalsa had acquired a reputation as the most puritanical, austere, and ideologically committed militant organisation". Most Indian journalists regarded the organisation as above the other groups as it owned up to its assassinations and condemned the killings of innocent civilians. There was another report in India Today where an un-named Police officer told the paper that when they tortured Gursikhs by cutting there muscles and pouring chilli powder into the cuts and also using hot poke into the eyes and muscles and ripping the muscles of the bones he used to hear Naam-Simran and also Paath. In one such case was when he witnessed the death of Bhai Anokh Singh Jee Babbar. He left the police shortly afterwards due to stress and mental problems.
To really understand what Bhai sahib was you have to consider one thing. If we youth today, most of whom are the same age as these Singhs were when they did all this Seva, had intelligence services, police, black cats, sikh informers after us. How long do you think we would last? Probably a few days. Bhai sahib lasted 14 years. Virtually hundreds of Singhs were shaheed under torture in efforts by Punjab police to find Bhai sahib. They had there families annihilated. But such was the love and respect for Bhai sahib, no-one ever spoke. How much love does someone have for someone to do that? They saw their families killed, and were tortured limb by limb themselves, but never told where Jathedar Sukhdev Singh was. Then you understand what he was, and how highly he was held by so many. To become a singh with him, meant death, not only of you, but your whole family. There was no culture of fear around him, it was a culture of Love and Respect.
Another mark of Jathedar ji, was after his Shaheedi, no group was for many years capable doing any major operation in India, until Bhai Dilavaaar Singh Babbar blew up the genocidal Beant Singh, Congress Chief Minister of Punjab. Even after that, the movement has never been the same. So many Dushts against Sikhi are still alive and active today. The Panth needs Gursikhs of the Calibre of Jathedar Ji.
Never was there a better example of a Gursikh worthy of the title "Jathedar Ji". This was the mark of his Jeevan, the mark of the man and the Legend.
Left to Right : Shaheed Bhai Manmohan Singh Babbar, Shaheed Bhai Mehnga Singh Babbar, Shaheed Bhai Sukhdev Singh Babbar, and Shaheed Bhai Sulakhan Singh Babbar
Bhai Sahib's Family
During this period of 1980-84, Bhai Sahibs family was blessed with children. Bhai sahib had one daughter, Amrit Kaur, and two sons called Tejinder Singh and Gurvinder Singh.
Bhai Sahib elder brother, Bhai Mehal Singh also joined the ranks of the Babbar Khalsa. He is an exceptional individual, especially capable with electronics. These skills became very valuable to the Movement.
Operation Bluestar
Bhai Sahib had been based in Siri Darbar Sahib for some year now. All the Singhs based in Siri Darbar Sahib knew that the Government were sending troops and a conflict would soon happen. General Subheg Singh ji commanded all the Singhs during Operation Blue Star.
Bhai Sahib was accompanied by 90 Babbar Khalsa Singhs during the Operation. General Subheg Singh had asked the Babbar Khalsa Singhs to position themselves at the Guru Nanak Niwas, Guru Ram Das Niwas, and Baba Atal Sahib.
Bhai Sukhdev Singh and Bhai Mehal Singh were positioned at Baba Atal Sahib Gurdwara.
Bhai Mehal Singh ji, is a genius with electronics, and had created an elaborate communication system around the whole complex, so all Singhs knew what was happening all the time.
When the Operation Blue Star began, the first Singh to be Shaheed was Bhai Mengha Singh ji Babbar.
Shaheed Bhai Mengha Singh Ji
He was a very high jeevan wale Gursikh, who spent most of his time doing joorian de seva ( seva of shoes). He had been shot in the skull, however just sat down, ignored the blood from his head. He started singing Sukhmani Sahib very loud. Only when he had completed the whole Sukhmani Sahib did he leave this world. When the initial firing ceased, all the Singhs including Sant ji, and Bhai Sukhdev Singh were together at his funeral.
The Singhs all fought together for the next two days. They fiercely held the Battalions of the Indian Army. They were expertly directed by and under the guidance of General Subegh Singh ji. Everytime the army thought they had made some advance, the Singhs would go into the sewer systems, come up behind the army and attack them from both sides.
Another Babbar, Bhai Avtar Singh was the one who did keertan in Sir Harmandar sahib as part of a jatha. He continued keertan during the fighting for many hours, and never stopped, giving strength to the Gursikhs fighting, and also wishing the maryada of continuous keertan in Darbar Sahib to remain. He was shot in the chest and attained shaheedi on the second day of Operation Blue Star.
Bhai Anokh Singh Babbar was given the seva of ferrying innocent sangat out of the complex during the 3 days of fighting. He and his unit saved hundreds of sangat from the inevitable slaughter. For 3 days, they kept coming in and out of the complex saving sangat, and passing vital ammunitions.
After fighting for 3 days, the Battalions of the Indian Army had suffered many losses. Frustrated they brought in tanks, and a helicopter gunship to attack the Singhs at Siri Akal Thakht Sahib. Jathedar Sukhdev Singh saw from his position at Baba Atal Sahib, that the Siri Akal Takht sahib was totally desecrated, and the only Singhs left were the ones fighting around the well underneath Siri Akal Takht Sahib. Bhai Mehal Singh sent a message to Sant Ji on the communication system stating, that we can send 2 Singhs down the sewage systems, to the well and get you out. But you have to tell us now, otherwise it will be too late. Sant Ji sent a message back, stating, "He had done Ardas never to leave, and will stay until Shaheedi". A few hours later, Sant Ji accepted Shaheedi.
Much of the focus of the army was also on Baba Atal sahib and Guru Nanak Niwas, but now with Siri Akal Thakht Sahib subdued, the Army shifted the tanks to their direction. The Singhs had now seen what had happened at Siri Akal Takht Sahib. The Singhs told Jathedar Sukhdev Singh, we must leave now, and continue the fight. Bhai sahib did not want to leave, and said he would cover their escape. But they insisted, and Panj Gursikhs did a hukam on Jathedar Sukhdev Singh. They were totally surrounded. A signal was sent out to all Singhs still fighting at Baba Atal Sahib, Guru Nanak Niwas and Guru Ram Das Niwas. They got suitcases from the Niwas (hotel), and tied one on the front, and one on the back, with ropes. All the Singhs came running out together fighting under a hail of bullets at the same time. Many Singhs were shaheed, but many also managed to get to the side streets of Amritsar.
The whole area was under curfew. But many Singhs were given sanctuary by the local residents. The same Hindu shop keeper, that Jathedar Sukhdev Singh had helped before, helped Bhai Sahib escape. The Army was going from house to house and flat to flat, gathering all Sikh men, as part of Operation Woodrose to massacre them either inside Darbar Sahib, or in surrounding areas. Hundreds of Sikhs were being killed. When the Army came to check the building in which Bhai Sahib had gone to, they did not search the flat. The Hindu shop keeper opened the door, and because he was a Hindu, he convinced them to ignore the flat.
Forming of the Jathebandi
The Shaheedi of Bhai Amerjit Singh Daheru led the Indian Security Services to realise that many of the actions against the Nakli Nirankaries, had not been done by Sant Jarnail Singh, as they had widely began to demonise him in the national press. Instead they had been done by a small group of organised underground youth from the Akhand Kirtani Jatha. Therefore they began rounding up Sikhs at Akhand Kirtani Jatha smagams.
Bhai Sukhdev Singh greatly felt this. He did not want elderly highly spiritual Sikhs to be harassed in police cells. They went to smagams for Gurbani Rass, and they should not be treated wrongly.
At this time, Bhai Sahib read a book by Giani Tarlok Singh. It was called “Babbar de Vithaya, Golee Chalde Rahe”, (Legend of the Babbar – keep the bullets firing). It was a novel about Babbar Akali movement against the British Raj in India. It had stories about the Great Sikh, Shaheed Bhai Kishan Singh Babbar and his companions. During the Indian Independence movement, they fought against the British Raj, their cruel officers, their touts, spies, Jagirdars, etc, in a guerrilla campaign with amazing feats. Bhai Sukhdev Singh saw this as a model which could be used
effectively to organise modern youth.
In 1981, a meeting of active Sikh youth warriors was called. It was announced that the Sikh Youth fighting the Nirankaries was not the Akhand Kirtani Jatha. This was to ensure harassment of elders stopped. Instead this was a new separate organisation called “Babbar Khalsa”.
The Babbar Khalsa was a gupt underground organisation. The Singhs in India felt the Jathedar needs to be active on a front-line level. Someone who knows the workings of India and could affect things on the front-line, and inspire the youth to be better Gursikhs.
There was no-one more front-line than Bhai Sukhdev Singh. It was unanimously decided by the youth that the Jathedar would be Bhai Sukhdev Singh. Other deputy Jathedars were also chosen. They were Bhai Anokh Singh, Bhai Sulakhan Singh, and Bhai Wadhawa Singh.
Every member of this Jathebandie must be Amritdhari, and strict in Amrit vela and Sikh code of conduct. They must be knowledge and practicing in Gurbani recitation. They must have memorised all the Nitnem, to ensure it is not missed, even in the heart of battle. They must be regular in Sangatee Seva, like cleaning shoes, so they always remain humble. Anyone who tries to destroy the Sikh religion or Nation would be opposed and eliminated by Babbars. To ensure they are capable of doing this seva, they must be abyassi, humble and always lead a Pure Gurmat lifestyle. Communications by Babbar khalsa would be via a magazine called “Vangaar”, which would have their missions documented and current news.
False Encounters Begin
When Babbar Khalsa became announced, its enemies in the form of Indian Security Services, Right-wing Hindus and the Nakli Nirankaries, now had a visible enemy to track down. No longer was it a case of a handful of Sikh youth among thousands, but specifically hunting Babbars, as well as the Gursikhs with Sant Jarnail Singh ji.
A key Babbar Khalsa activist who was very active in the universities of Punjab was Bhai Kulwant Singh Nagoke. He was a very strict Sarbloh Bebeki Singh, a fearless fighter, and someone who did a lot of “Parchaar” to take young Punjabis away from intoxicants, and make them Khalsas.
After a successful action against anti-Panthik forces, the trail followed by Police led to his arrest. He was severely tortured by the Security Services desperate for information on Babbar Khalsa. Bhai Kulwant Singh revealed nothing, and became the first Sikh youth to be Shaheed in police cells from torture. The dawn of the false encounter had arrived.
Sant Jarnail Singh ji had by now become a pivitol figure in India. The murder of Bhai Kulwant Singh Nagoke, and many other injustices, false cases against Sikhs, rape of Sikh girls, etc, led him to now openly speak on stages against the Indira Gandhi Government. His Dharam Yudh Morcha had gained a lot of momentum, and he was inspiring youth throughout Punjab to take Amrit. However his speeches documenting human rights abuses against Sikhs were by now seen to be shaking the foundations at Delhi.
By now, the Babbar Khalsa had hatched a successful plan to assassinate “Gurbachana”. A young Sikh carpenter called Ranjit Singh gained a job in his house in Delhi doing general building work. At the most opportune time, Bhai Ranjit Singh with some associates killed “Gurbachana” as he got out of his car, which had returned home from a rally. They then escaped by jumping a very high wall, when hunted by Police. Bhai Ranjit Singh was later arrested and sentenced to long term imprisonment, then released as the Jathedar of Akal Thakht Sahib.
Bhai Sukhdev Singh's Relationship With Sant Jarnail Singh
Since 1980, the Indian Security Forces had come to know of a youth called Sukhdev Singh, and had began to hunt him. So Bhai Sahib permanently shifted all command operations to Siri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar. It was here that stayed from 1980 till 1984. Babbar Khalsa had come into existence here.
Sant Jarnail Singh had established the Dharam Yudh Morcha. Bhai Sahib fully supported this movement. He also wished all the youth of Punjab to leave intoxicants and become Sikhs of the Guru.
Sant Jarnail Singh ji was also a highly spiritual and visionary Gursikh. He knew since the Shaheedi of Jathedar Fauja Singh, that hard times would fall on Sikhs and they needed to become Shahsterdhari (armed). He also knew anti-Panthik forces would do everything to divide the Sikh Youth to ensure that Sikh demands are not met. The Sikh youth who were brave and full of spirit were in two Jathebandies; - Damdami Taksal and Akhand Kirtani Jatha. During the early 1980s, a meeting occurred between Sant Jarnail Singh ji and Bhai Joginder Singh Talwara. Bhai Amolak Singh was also sent to represent the youth as no organisation had formed at the time of this meeting. In this meeting it was agreed that no issues that divided these two groups would ever be allowed stop the common cause of the Sikh Nation.
Later as Babbar Khalsa came into existence, Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale held them in high respect, and they are often mentioned in his lectures. Names like Bhai Kulwant Singh Nagoke, Bhai Manjit Singh Babbar are mentioned frequently.
Meeting in Jail
When Sant Jarnail Singh ji was in prison after being arrested in Chowk Metha, it was national news. Bhai Sukhdev Singh and Bhai Wadhava Singh walked into the police station armed with guns. The police realising who had just walked in, ran for their lives. Bhai Sukhdev Singh asked Sant ji to come with them and continue his Parchaar. Sant Jarnail Singh ji said he appreciated their courage, but has no need to go underground. Sant ji said his release had already been arranged legitimately.
Sant Ji respected the way Bhai Sukhdev Singh had quickly dealt with the Nirankaris "7 Sitarees" (their equivalent to our Punj pyares). Also how he had planned how Bhai Ranjit Singh would infiltrate Nirankari Baba Gurbachana house, and numerous other high profile actions.
Sacha Sukha (Truthful Sukha)
During 1983-84, the security services tried to divided the Singhs. It had been the wish of the security services that Sikh youth fight amongst themselves, creating enemies, and opportunities which could be used to gather information from rivals, and start them eliminating each other.
Some infiltrators dressed up as Singhs and robbed a Hindu mans store in Amritsar. They told him to leave Punjab or he will be killed. They pretended to be Sant Bhindranwales men. The distraught hindu shop keeper went to Darbaar sahib, and was told by sangat to see Bhai Sukhdev Singh, who was based at Baba Atal Sahib Gurdwara. Bhai Sukhdev Singh was upset that people are doing this is Gursikhi Baana (clothes), as it gives Gursikhs a bad name. When the Babbar Khalsa Singhs located these infiltrators, Bhai Sukhdev Singh got a laathi, ( a long Danda- wooden stick), tied them upside down from a tree and beat them with it. He made them give all the money back, and told them never to threaten any innocent again.
Other infiltrators tried to stoke up the Taksali Singhs against Babbars saying Sukhdev Singh had beat up these Singhs. Many rumours were circulated to get one group against another. Some of these rumours later even got published in books, to ferment differences between the groups. But Sant Ji knew this was not correct, and instead started refering to Jathedar Sukhdev Singh ji as "Saccha Sukha", (The Truthful Sukha).
Both Sant Ji and Bhai Sahib knew their fight was not against innocents. Sant ji, too was called in press as a Hindu hater, but facts show he was highly respected by many Hindus. The fight was only against those who choose to destroy Sikhism.
Even today, in books written about the Operation BlueStar refer to differences between the two leaders, which are baseless. Sant Logowal and Gurcharan Singh Tohra, both key Akali leaders at that time also sought to divide Sukhdev Singh and Sant ji. They were afraid of the growing prominence of Sant ji and the amount of youth with him. The only person capable of standing against him, who also had a lot of youth with him was Bhai Sahib. So these leaders also indulged in rumour mongering to divide the two Gurmukhs, and associated themselves with the Babbars.
Bhai Sahib realised these forces that were at work and so did Sant ji. Both shared a mutual respect and their common cause. However no differences directly arose between the two Gursikhs, despite the attempts of many. Both fought together at Operation Blue Star, as the story continues………
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Jathedar Sukhdev Singh Babbar
Shaheed Jathedar Sukhdev Singh Babbar was the iconic leader of the Khalistan movement between 1978 to 1992. He ranked among senior Generals like Bhai Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwale, Bhai Avtar Singh Brahma and Baba Manochal. However his impact was legendary, and was considered the backbone of the struggle. Such was the calibre of this Gursikh, that everyone referred to him as “The Jathedar…”. (one and only).
This is his story………
Taking Amrit
Shaheed Bhai Sukhdev Singh Babbar was born on 9th August 1955 in the house of Sardar Jind Singh and Mata Harnam Kaur, in the village Dhassuwal. This is in the Amritsar area of Punjab. Bhai Sahib had three brothers, Angrej Singh, Rashal Singh, Mehal Singh, and three sisters, Swaran kaur, Charan kaur, and Jeet Kaur.
Bhai Sahib studied till level 8 in Punjab. He worked on his own land as a farmer with his brothers. From an early age, Bhai Sahib had a religious mind, and a warrior spirit. Bhai Sahib met Jathedar Bhai Fauja Singh (Shaheed). He was highly impressed by Jathedar Fauja Singh, and with his guidance took Amrit at an Akhand Kirtani Jatha Smagam in 1977. Both became inseparable friends.
Many youth were highly influenced by Jathedar Bhai Fauja Singh. Not only Bhai Sukhdev Singh, but Bhai Anokh Singh, Bhai Wadhawa Singh, Bhai Sulakhan Singh, and countless others Great Sikhs were students at Bhai Fauja Singhs Khalsa Farm, where they undertook Spiritual education and Gathka education in a camp-like atmosphere. It was at this camp, that the ideologue by which all these Singh lived their lives was instilled. Bhai Fauja Singh taught the Gursikhs that doing Naam Simran, Paath, Kirtan was just as important as becoming fearless Sons of Sahib Siri Guru Gobind Singh.
Vaisakhi 1978
Bhai Sahib wed Bibi Sukhwant Kaur in an Anand Karaj Ceremony on Vaisakhi, 13th April 1978. After the wedding, the couple arrived back at their house to receive distressing news. On the sacred land of Amritsar, a new-age sect called Nakli Narankaries had mercilessly killed 13 Sikhs protesting against their anti-Sikh activities. A further 150 Sikhs had been injured. From the 13, many close companions of Bhai Sahib had been Shaheed, including Jathedar Fauja Singh. Bhai Sahib was greatly shaken by this event. Early the next morning, he caught a bus for Amritsar, and after the Saskar (funeral) of the 13 Gursikhs, he returned a changed person.
The Punjab Government brought a murder case against the leader of the Nirankaries called “Gurbachana”. However this case was intentionally moved from Punjab to Karnal, in Haryana. This sect called Nirankaries enjoyed the patronage of Indira Gandhi, who wished to use it to destroy the strangehold of Akali party control in Punjab. She viewed Sikhs as the biggest threat to her ambitions of power. They were the only group who would be prepared to raise their voice against her. Hence she devised many strategies to weaken Sikhs internally and externally. The Nirankaries were part of this plan.
Parkash Badal, the leader of the Akali Dal in Punjab, was also secretly helping “Gurbachana”. Praksah Badal`s role in the History of Punjab has been very dubious, and it can be stated he has been the Sikh version of Gangu Brahmin, who sent many Khalsa youth to their deaths. Parkash Badal further ensured that “Gurbachana” walked free from the courts. Previously it had been Parkash Badal who had smuggled “Gurbachana” out of Punjab on the night of the murders on Vaisakhi 1978.
Youth Get Organised…
The charismatic leader of the Damdami Taksal, Baba Jarnail Bhindranwale was infuriated by this. He also held Jathedar Fauja Singh in high esteem. He called for Sikhs nationwide to oppose all Nirankari activities.
Bhai Sukhdev Singh was by nature very quiet, and very spiritually inclined. But at the same time he was also a man of action. He had realised while these Nirankaries enjoyed the patronage of Indira Gandhi, Sikhs would never get justice for the murder of Gursikhs. By now a further 13 Gursikhs had been killed in Kanpur by Nirankaries, and also two in Delhi. Another close associate of Bhai Sahib, and very spiritual Gursikh, Bhai Jagjit Singh was one of those Shaheed in Kanpur.
In a quiet manner, with the help of Bhai Anokh Singh, Bhai Sulakhan Singh and Bhai Amarjit Singh Daheru, they began plotting and assassinating the leadership of the Nirankaris. “Gurbachana” had held himself up as a modern “Guru Gobind Singh ji”, to infuriate Sikhs. As Sikhism had “Panj Pyares” (5 beloveds) , the Nirankaris set up their “Sat Sitares” (7 stars). Bhai Sukhdev Singh began with them, and completely annihilated the Nirankari leadership. The main target was always “Gurbachana”, but he eluded them yet.
Bhai Sukhdev Singh always lead from the front. He was involved in every action, and always behaved to highest ideals of the Khalsa.
However the Indian Security Forces, and right-wing Hindu groups were providing protection to the Nirankaries, and also helping them hunt young Sikhs who were standing up to the Nirankaries.
The trail led them to the house of Bhai Amarjit Singh Daheru. He was a very Chardi Kala Gursikh, who was providing all the Sikh youth with weapons training. His house was surrounded by the Punjab Police and Security Forces. Bhai Sahib was very skilled in fighting. He wanted to make sure he was not caught, because he did not want the youth he had trained to be exposed. So he fought with great courage. When he was eventually Shaheed, his Singhni demonstrated how miraculous Guru Ji`s daughters are….. She single-handedly fought the Police and Security Forces for 48 hours. Only when all her ammunition finished did she also attain Shaheedi.
Monday, 22 October 2007
I hope to create a blog highlighting the sacrificies made by gursikhs as an inspiration for others to get closer to Sikhi. Lets Look at these singhs jeevan and admire how under adverse times they still maintained there rehat and didnt go away from the principles of sikhism.
Abhiyaasi Gursikhs who joined the Sikh Movement, not for any personal gain, but to stand up for their brothers and sisters and to defend the name of their Guru.
They had given their heads to the Guru the day they received the gift of Amrit and for every moment after that, they did not live for themselves anymore. They accepted every Guru-Hukam completely. They had killed their self in Shabad. They didn’t fear death, because they belonged to the Guru who could take them as he wished.
We read and hear about great sacrifices made by singhs hundred of years ago.The sacrificies made by these guriskhs and those still making them is no less now then it was during the Mughal Era.
These acrificies will become folklore parents will tell there children stories of these mahan Shaheeds so these kids will become proud of there history and religion
Lets not forget these gursikhs but let the world know that they lives didnt go in vain but the world remembers them.
I will publish human rights abuse reports carried out by the government of India
Abhiyaasi Gursikhs who joined the Sikh Movement, not for any personal gain, but to stand up for their brothers and sisters and to defend the name of their Guru.
They had given their heads to the Guru the day they received the gift of Amrit and for every moment after that, they did not live for themselves anymore. They accepted every Guru-Hukam completely. They had killed their self in Shabad. They didn’t fear death, because they belonged to the Guru who could take them as he wished.
We read and hear about great sacrifices made by singhs hundred of years ago.The sacrificies made by these guriskhs and those still making them is no less now then it was during the Mughal Era.
These acrificies will become folklore parents will tell there children stories of these mahan Shaheeds so these kids will become proud of there history and religion
Lets not forget these gursikhs but let the world know that they lives didnt go in vain but the world remembers them.
I will publish human rights abuse reports carried out by the government of India
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